Israel's Land and Name!

Question: In the Bible, is Israel a people or a place?



Jacob was/is the brother of Esau; and after Jacob’s struggle with God’s angel (Gen. 32:24–30); his name was changed to Israel, which means “Prince with God; and God Commands and Directs”!

The transition from the name “Jacob” to “Israel”, will not be complete until the recognition by Israel of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah (Zech.12:10); and their Saving by God’s Hand from the ravages of the multi-Nations attack on them at Armageddon!

The Land of Israel was previously named Canaan, the land promised by God to Abraham and his descendants. Genesis 12:7.

Almighty God’s physical saving (“salvaging of the remnant”), is recorded in Ezek. 39:21–29; and in numerous places in the Bible; and is to save the “Remnant” “for His Names Sake”, and for the purpose they have in the Millennial Reign of Jesus/God from Jerusalem; and the eventual destruction of Satan and his followers (angels and humans); just prior to the “new Heaven and Earth” (Rev. 21).

See: Israel's meeting with Messiah!  (Study)


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